During Catholic Schools Week we gathered as a school community for a prayer service honoring…
Fifth Grade Students Skype with Yellowstone Park Ranger
The Fifth Graders have been discovering the beauty of God’s creations by studying about the United States and her National Parks. Today, they took part in a Virtual Classroom ”Skype” session with a Park Ranger from Yellowstone National Park. He guided the girls through the hidden treasures of one of the most beautiful places on earth. He taught them about the park and its geysers and hot springs and the many animals that live within the park.
“It is wonderful to be able to offer our girls this opportunity,” said Fifth Grader Teacher, Mrs. Betty Veneziale. “To be able to have an expert right in our classroom, sharing his experiences and expertise with our students from across the globe is so fun for them and for us that we couldn’t provide otherwise.”
Together the girls, their teachers and the Park Ranger celebrated the National Park Services 100th Anniversary!!