During Catholic Schools Week we gathered as a school community for a prayer service honoring…
A Villa Tradition: Family Mass and Picnic
On September 25 Villa held its annual Villa Tradition, the Family Mass and Picnic. The school community began the morning together in Sacred Heart Chapel with Father John Joseph, as celebrant. Following mass, students in Preschool through Eighth Grade and their teachers paraded with their class down the drive to the fields lined with cheering parents. The games began with the Gym Prayer with Mrs. Boczkowski and then a race down the hill to the games! Congratulations to Saint Maria Goretti House on winning the House Championship Game. Following the games, the girls were able to find a spot on the lawn with their families and friends to celebrate and have a nice picnic lunch.
Congratulations to the White Team for winning the days’ events!
Thank you to Sister Margaret, Miss Connors and all those who planned and participated in our wonderful morning mass. And thank you to our wonderful parent chairs Norma and Miguel Baptista, Jenine and Brian Steltz and their committee of volunteers for planning such a special day for our students and their families.