During Catholic Schools Week we gathered as a school community for a prayer service honoring…
Catholic Schools Week Kicks Off with Charism Day
Monday, January 31 was Charism Day at VMA for Catholic Schools Week! Classes engaged in conversations regarding the charism, spirit, and importance of Catholic education here at Villa.
In Mrs. Klinger’s 6th grade class, students took time at the start of their day to discuss and reflect on the IHM Charism of Love, Creative Hope, and Fidelity, which are lived out through respect, reverence, compassion, hospitality, leadership and joyful service at Villa. After their discussion of these values, students worked in pairs to reflect on one virtue more closely. They then created Pixton storyboards to illustrate how these virtues might look in the classroom. Each pair shared their work with the class in an effort to better explain the virtue. In Religion class, students took time to write about something they learned from today’s focus on the charism. Each student then chose a virtue and wrote a prayer asking God to help her live that charism more completely.