During Catholic Schools Week we gathered as a school community for a prayer service honoring…
Class of 2018 Awarded over $550K in Scholarships
On June 7, the Eighth Grade students of Villa Maria Academy had much to celebrate at their Baccalaureate Mass and Graduation in the Villa Maria House of Studies Sacred Heart Chapel. Rev. John Joseph Novielli, O. Praem, of Daylesford Abbey was the celebrant of the Mass, and the choir, led by Villa’s Music Teacher, Miss Connors, was composed of Villa’s seventh grade students.
Following the Mass, the eighth grade was presented their diplomas and awards for honors, and students were recognized for receiving scholarships to area high schools. Graduates who had sisters that were alumnae of Villa, we presented a diploma by their sister. Total scholarships awarded to students for entrance to esteemed area high schools was in excess of $550,000. All grants were given to graduating students for their academic excellence and demonstrate the quality of the education provided at Villa Maria Academy Lower School.
Congratulations to the Class of 2018! They will be attending the following area high schools:
The Agnes Irwin School (2) Mount Saint Joseph Academy (2)
Archmere Academy (2) The Academy of Notre Dame de Namur (4)
Bayard Rustin High School (1) Villa Maria Academy High School (22)
Bishop Shanahan High School (7) West Chester East High School (1)
Downingtown STEM Academy (1)
Episcopal Academy (2)