During Catholic Schools Week we gathered as a school community for a prayer service honoring…
Fifth Graders Prepare for Reading Olympics with Boys from St. Aloysius
The Fifth Grade boys from St. Aloysius Academy visited this week to collaborate with Villa’s Fifth Grade girls for the start of their 6th Annual Reading Olympics. The purpose of this event is to encourage the children to read more, to read a greater variety, to enjoy the excitement of reading and encourage discussion about what they have read.
The students will be working in groups of 10 (5 girls and 5 boys) to read 9 books each before the competition in May. Every team member must complete the 10 books. Today, students gathered together to meet their team members. The team format encourages students to share the challenge of reading the selection of books with their friends.
After an ice breaker activity, each student chose one book that they have read from the list already and prepared a short book report, as well as an oral report as to why they chose that book. They then worked on a fun origami animal activity, based on one of the required reading books, “Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes” by Eleanor Coerr.
Thank you to the Fifth Grade Teachers of Villa Maria and St. Aloysius for their collaborative efforts to keep this fun and engaging activity going for 6 years and for inspiring the students to become lifelong readers. “We are looking forward to the final competition in May at St. Aloysius,” said Fifth Grade ELA Teacher, Mrs. Maureen Wible.