During Catholic Schools Week we gathered as a school community for a prayer service honoring…
PreK Students Begin Learning Sight Words
Villa’s PreK class learned their first sight word: “see” and began using it in class. The students each took turns (three at a time) pretending that they were a letter in the word “see.” The spectator students sat on the rug and had fun waving their magic word wands saying “make the word see” and their peers representing “s” “e” “e” quickly united together by holding hands so that they could form the word. “We used this physical activity to show that words are formed when letters are put together in purposeful strands,’ said PreK Teacher, Mrs. Albanese, “and the children were taught that this is why we need to learn all of the letters in the alphabet and their sounds!” The students looked at lots of different words and noticed that all words have a different number of letters, some even have just one letter like, “I” and “a.” “They used our Daily Message to find these new discoveries,” said Mrs. Albanese. Students also began their letter “S” Books, where they had the opportunity to use the sight word “see.” They wrote the sentence “I see” and then used pictures of objects that begin with “S” to complete their “I see” sentences. “We will complete these next week and take them to Library to share with our librarian, Mrs. Lentz,” said Mrs. Albanese. “They are excited.”