During Catholic Schools Week we gathered as a school community for a prayer service honoring…
Second Grade Studies US Symbols
Second graders recently learned about some of the most important symbols in the United States of America.
Their teachers, Mrs. Grieves and Mrs. Thompson introduced what a symbol was and talked about various types of symbols, even symbols we have here at Villa. The girls then discussed symbols of America such as the bald eagle, the US flag, the Liberty Bell, Mount Rushmore, the White House and more.
The girls were partnered up and each given a symbol of the US and asked to create a short presentation in Keynote with at least 4-5 slides of descriptions for their symbol, prompting classmates to guess which symbol they were describing. Mrs. Callan visited both second grade classrooms last week to teach the girls how to use Keynote on their iPads and find facts for their symbol.
On Monday, the girls presented their Keynotes in front of the entire second grade.