During Catholic Schools Week we gathered as a school community for a prayer service honoring…
Seventh Grade Holds Poetry Cafe in ELA
The 7th grade ended their Poetry unit today with a Poetry Café in Mrs. Buck’s room. The room was transformed with table cloths, candles, flowers, and “cafe” goodies. The girls wore their best “Beatnik” clothing for the day, as they recited their original poems in front of the class.
Prior to their Poetry Reading, published poet (and classmate Gianna’s dad), Joe Cilluffo spoke to the students, performing a poetry reading, and discussing poetic techniques and publishing processes with the girls! He has a published volume, titled Always in the Wrong Season by Joseph Cilluffo, Kelsay Book publisher. “It was such a treat to have a poet in our midst and to hear him read and explain some of his motivations and techniques to the girls!” said Mrs. Buck.
Poetry is powerful and helps the speaker to really connect with their audience when the delivery and eye contact is right. This is a wonderful public speaking experience for the students and the content of their poems were a great mix of humor and drama. Great job girls!
Thank you to the homeroom moms for organizing the “cafe” goodies and helping with set-up.