During Catholic Schools Week we gathered as a school community for a prayer service honoring…
Sixth and Eighth Graders Attend PETE&C Student Showcase in Hershey, PA
Eight girls from seventh and eighth grade represented Villa Maria at the Pennsylvania Education Technology Expo and Conference at their Student Showcase last week. The girls, along with Instructional Technology Coach Mrs. Lisa Callan and S.T.E.M. Teacher Mrs. Katie Bellopede, shared their experiences with teachers and administrators from all over Pennsylvania about their work with snap circuits, phet simulators and programming digital greeting cards.
Eighth graders created paper circuit cards using phet simulators for students at Villa’s sister school in Peru. During the Student Showcase at PETE&C, students also displayed a phet simulator lab using iPads. The girls worked closely with Villa’s Spanish teacher, Mrs. Maria Pieras to write their cards in Spanish to the students at Villa Maria Miraflores. Seventh graders featured their ‘Project Thank You’ digital greeting cards at the showcase and both grades were interviewed live by the conference staff and featured on Twitter.