During Catholic Schools Week we gathered as a school community for a prayer service honoring…
Student Leadership Team Organizes Spirit Assembly
Last week, the 8th grade Student Leadership Team organized a spirit week for the school culminating in a Spirit Assembly on Friday in which grades K-8 participated.
Each grade was assigned one of nine “Villa Virtues”: thoughtfulness, collaboration, patience, respect, generosity, hospitality, integrity, optimism, responsibility. They were asked to come up with a short presentation based on their given virtue that our students display here at Villa – some did a song, some a video, and some acted out skits. All the grades did a wonderful job portraying what we do at Villa to live out each virtue.
The Student Leadership Team also choose a themed dress down day for each day of the week, with Friday being Villa Spirit Wear Day to make it even more fun! Thank you to our Student Leadership Team for helping us to celebrate our Villa Spirit!