During Catholic Schools Week we gathered as a school community for a prayer service honoring…
Students Celebrate Computer Science Education Week with STEM events
Computer Science Education Week is celebrated nationally to spark student interest in computer science and to bring awareness to careers in the computer science fields. In addition to the STEM education our girls receive on a daily basis, our students will be participating in the 2019 Hour of Code. Each year we bring a new theme to our Hour of Code events. In past years we partnered with Mrs. Boczowski to bring algorithmic thinking to phys Ed classes and we used digital breakouts to help Taffy rescue the playground equipment. This year, students in grades K-5 will be bringing their programming skills to the Library. Girls will work in large and small groups to program Dash robots to sequence classic children’s literature such as Eric Clarle’s, The Very Hungry Caterpillar and Jan Brett’s, The Mitten.
Here, Kindergarten students are sequencing The Very Hungry Caterpillar: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=573019803485474