During Catholic Schools Week we gathered as a school community for a prayer service honoring…
Students Pray Rosary in Honor of 100th Anniversary of Fatima
This year marks the 100th Anniversary of the last apparition of Our Blessed Mother to the three children of Fatima. One of Mary’s requests was that we pray the Rosary every day. Since our IHM Charism reminds us to be loving, hopeful and faithful, we used this opportunity to show our love and respect to Mary. We express our faithfulness by praying at least a decade of the Rosary in each Homeroom daily. Since Villa Maria means “House of Mary, ” as a Community of Faith and as daughters of Mary, students, faculty and staff prayed the rosary together in the Motherhouse Chapel. One of Villa’s favorite Mary Hymns is “Our Lady of Fatima,” which was sung at the beginning and the end of the prayer.