During Catholic Schools Week we gathered as a school community for a prayer service honoring…
Study Skills Course Begins for Sixth Grade
While many teachers spend some class time teaching study skills, students often need more guidance. In middle school, there’s more homework, time management becomes more difficult and it requires analytical skills your child may not have developed yet.
The study skills your child needs to do well are the same ones she will need to succeed in high school and college: getting organized, taking good notes and studying effectively.
At Villa, we are very fortunate to have a dedicated Learning Resource Coordinator, Mrs. Eileen Delaney, to assist the girls with learning these much needed skills.
Today Mrs. Delaney, began her Study Skills sessions with the 6th grade. Once a week, Mrs. Delaney, meets with the students to teach them different study skills to improve their ability to learn and study more effectively. The students learn about executive functions and the role they play in learning.