During Catholic Schools Week we gathered as a school community for a prayer service honoring…
Villa Maria Academy Students Participating in Hour of Code
This week the girls at Villa Maria are participating in Hour of Code. Even though we focus on computer science and programming all throughout the year, it is important to take this time to celebrate what we do and focus on the why. All girls will be spending an hour coding in one of the following programs, Code.org, Scratch Jr., Hopscotch or Daisy the Dinosaur. In addition to the Hour, the Middle School girls will be Skyping with the women who founded and run Hopscotch Technologies on Wednesday afternoon in an effort to experience the career opportunities available through coding and meet successful women who have excelled in this field. Also new this year the girls will be participating in some “unplugged” coding activities. During the gym classes, girls will be following programming algorithms to play games. These games require the girls to think sequentially, follow if-then statements and use loops just as in computer programming.