During Catholic Schools Week we gathered as a school community for a prayer service honoring…
Villa Students Collect Over 2500 Pairs of Socks for Joy of Sox Fundraiser
This year for Catholic School’s Week the fourth grade and the eighth-grade student leadership team sponsored a service project called The Joy of Sox.
The Joy of Sox is a locally founded nonprofit mission giving new socks to those experiencing homelessness. There are 10,000 men, women and children experiencing homelessness in the Philadelphia region. They are desperately in need of children’s socks that are rarely donated. Those experiencing homelessness suffer the extremes of hot and cold weather. There are few shelters where new socks are available, so the Villa community stepped up again to help!
The girls collected 2,780 socks for the homeless in the Philadelphia area! This is the second year that Villa Maria Academy Lower School has partnered with our fourth graders to sponsor The Joy of Sox fundraiser during Catholic School’s Week. The students even surpassed their donation from last year (1,168 pairs of socks).
Mrs. Kathy Hadden, a volunteer for The Joy of Sox, came to collect the donations and speak to the fourth-grade girls, thanking them for helping those in need in our community.
The girls decided to make this year’s collection a competition among the grades. Since children’s socks were the biggest goal of the collection, the grade with the most children’s socks donated won Villa Spirit dress down day. To offset the number of children’s socks, students could bring in adult size socks and sneak them into a box for a different grade to subtract from their total number of children’s socks.
Thank you to all the families who donated to this cause!