All women are capable of accomplishing incredible feats. However, success manifests itself in many forms…
First Grade Students Delve Into their New Science Curriculum
Mrs. Long’s First Grade class has been working on their new science unit on plants. The new science curriculum encourages a more hands-on approach to science and the girls are having a lot of fun as a result! In science, they placed Lima bean seeds between wet paper towels and recorded what they looked like. They then waited for them to sprout. One and a half weeks later, the seeds had roots, a stem, and even a leaf or two. The girls each planted their seeds in little cups of soil. Then they were given an engineering challenge. They had to create a tower from rolled paper. Then they were challenged to use what they knew about plant parts to create a way for the tower to stand. Using a variety of art supplies, the girls thought about the roots as they designed their tower, and created a root-like bottom that allowed the tower to stand up.