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Private All Girls School | Girls K-8 | Co-Ed Preschool | Malvern, PA

Thinking Cap Quiz Bowl

The fifth graders at Villa Maria Academy participated in the Thinking Cap Quiz Bowl on February 27th. This is an online trivia contest. Villa's 5th grade finished 7th among the 55 teams in the Northeast U.S. We are very proud…

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3rd Grade: WebQuest

The Third Grade has been studying the arrival of the first colonists in the New World. They have been working on a WebQuest that takes them from the Pilgrims' journey on the Mayflower to their arrival and settlement of Plymouth…

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ELC: Donuts with Dads

On Thursday and Friday, February 12-13, Villa Maria Academy Early Learning Center students had the pleasure of spending the morning with their special fellas. The students and their Dads shared refreshments and donuts, while the Dads were given the grand…

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